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Zaki Wahhaj


Selected Journal Articles:-

Motivational Investments and Financial Incentives

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Accepted, January 2025.

(With Maitreesh Ghatak). 


Can the Law Affect Attitudes and Behaviour in the Absence of Strict Enforcement?

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Accepted, December 2024.

(With Amrit Amirapu and Niaz Asadullah).  Link to Working Paper


To Invest or not to Invest in Sanitation: Role of Intra-household Gender Differences in Perceptions and Bargaining Power

Journal of Development Economics, May 2023.

(With Britta Augsburg, Bansi Malde, Harriet Olorenshaw).  Link (Gold Access)


Social Barriers to Female Migration  

Journal of Development Economics, September 2022.

 (With Amrit Amirapu and Niaz Asadullah).  Link (Gold Access)


Social Diversity and Bridging Identity 

Oxford Economic Papers, July 2021.

(With María García-Alonso).  Link | Ungated Version


Is Son Preference Disappearing from Bangladesh? 

World Development, April 2021.

(With Niaz Asadullah, Nazia Mansoor and Teresa Randazzo).  Link | Ungated Version


The Effects of Risk and Ambiguity Aversion on Technology Adoption 

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 2020.

(With Christian Crentsil and Adelina Gschwandtner).  Link


Will Urban Migrants Formally Insure their Rural Relatives?

World Development, April 2020. (With Harounan Kazianga).  Link

IPA Project Summary


Early Marriage, Social Networks and the Transmission of Norms

Economica. October 2019. (With Niaz Asadullah).  Link

Article in VoxDev


Charitable Giving or Signalling? Voluntary Contributions by Microcredit Borrowers in Pakistan

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. February 2019. (With Mahreen Mahmud).  Link


An Economic Model of Early Marriage

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. August 2018.  Link


Intra-household Resource Allocation and Familial Ties

Journal of Development Economics. July 2017. (With Harounan Kazianga).  Link

Oxford CSAE Blog Post


Fiscal Decentralisation, Local Institutions and Public Good Provision in Indonesia 

Journal of Comparative Economics. Published online July 2016. (With Sarmistha Pal).  Link


Public Good Provision in Indian Rural Areas: The Returns to Collective Action by Microfinance Groups

World Bank Economic Review. Published online August 2015 (With Paolo Casini and Lore Vandewalle).  Link


Elite Capture Through Information Distortion

Journal of Development Economics. January 2014 (With Vincent Somville and Jean-Philippe Platteau).  Link


Repayment Incentives and the Distribution of Gains from Group Lending

Journal of Development Economics. November 2013 (With Jean-Marie Baland and Rohini Somanathan).  Link


Gender, Social Norms and Household Production in Burkina Faso

Economic Development and Cultural Change, April 2013. (With Harounan Kazianga).  Link


Microfinance and Gender Empowerment

Journal of Development Economics, September 2012. (With Thi Minh-Phuong Ngo).  Link


Modern Law as a Magnet to Reform Unfair Customs

Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 2012. (With Gani Aldashev, Imane Chaara and Jean-Philippe Platteau).  Link


Using the Law to Change the Custom­­

Journal of Development Economics, March 2012. (With Gani Aldashev, Imane Chaara and Jean-Philippe Platteau).  Link


Legal Reform in the Presence of a Living Custom: An Economic Approach

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December 2011. (With Gani Aldashev and Jean-Philippe Platteau).  Link


Social Norms and Individual Savings in the Context of Informal Insurance

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization December 2010.  Link


Book Chapters:-


The Economics of Early Marriage: Causes, Consequences and Policy Solutions

Handbook of the Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 2022.  Link


Strategic Interactions between Modern Law and Custom

Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture Volume II, 2014. (With Jean-Philippe Platteau).  Link




Can Conditional Transfers Eradicate Child Marriage?

Economic & Political Weekly February 2017. (With Sajeda Amin, Niaz Asadullah and Sara Hossain).  Link


Child Marriage Law and Freedom of Choice in Bangladesh

Economic & Political Weekly January 2016. (With Niaz Asadullah).  Link


Working Papers:-

Behind the Veil of Cultural Persistence: Marriage and Divorce in a Migrant Community

CEPR Discussion Paper (with Catherine Guirkinger and Jean-Philippe Platteau)  Link

Revise-and-Resubmit, Economic Journal


Marriage Timing and Forward Contracts in Marriage  Link

ECARES Working Paper (with Gani Aldashev)


Female Seclusion from Paid Work: A Social Norm or Cultural Preference?  Link

ECARES Working Paper (with Niaz Asadullah)

  An earlier version was circulated under the title “Missing from the Market: Purdah Norm and Women’s Paid Work Participation in Bangladesh”


Social Norms, Higher Order Beliefs and the Emperor’s New Clothes

ThReD (Theoretical Research in Development Economics) Working Paper  Link

    Updated version July 2017


Going to School in Purdah: Female Schooling, Mobility Norms and Madrasas in Bangladesh 

IZA Discussion Paper (with Niaz Asadullah)  Link


A Theory of Household Bargaining with Limited Commitment and Public Goods  Link

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